Using a Digivice, humans can allow a Digimon to instantaneously digivolve to a higher level by sharing their energy. However, when a Digimon forms a bond with a human, a Digimon may digivolve much more quickly. When Digimon are deleted (killed) they either regress completely into DigiEggs or break apart into innumerable bits of errant data that can be easily acquisitioned or "Loaded" by other Digimon. Anger and/or the necessity to survive in a great battle can often spur digivolution. Because of this, only a sparse number of Digimon naturally reach their final forms. Digivolving from the initial Fresh stage usually progresses, but each subsequent level takes progressively more time (in the V-Tamer manga, the fresh2 or In-Training stage isn't shown and instead, they progress straight to Rookie when absorbing enough data, as seen from Arkadimon). If left to its own devices, Digimon will naturally age and, over time, digivolve to higher levels using data from the environment. Mega ( Kyuukyokutai 究極体, translating as "Ultimate").

Ultimate ( Kanzentai 完全体, translating as "Perfect").Champion ( Seijukuki 成熟期, translating as "Adult").Rookie ( Seichouki 成長期, translating as "Child").In-Training (or In-training II) ( Younenki II 幼年期 II, translating as "Baby 2").Fresh/Baby (or In-training I) ( Younenki I 幼年期 I, translating as "Baby 1").Main Digivolutionary Stages (English adaptation terms with Japanese terms in brackets): If Digivolution is forced without sufficient data, the potential exists for Dark Digivolution, transforming into an unstable creature with little-to-no self-control and irresistible destructive impulses until they revert.ĭigivolution is divided into multiple levels, made up of an egg-form ( Digi-Egg or Digitama デジタマ) and six main evolutionary steps. If a Digimon does not absorb enough data needed to maintain the form, it will get sick and/or revert to a lower level. However, the Digimon's consciousness remains unchanged. The resultant form of the Digimon almost always has a different name than the previous. During Digivolution the Digimon's appearance and attributes change, and it becomes significantly stronger than it was before.
If they download enough data Digivolution is triggered. As they are essentially computer data they can download additional data to themselves, which makes them stronger.